The employability toolkit is designed to help you navigate the transition from university into employment. Learn about the steps and challenges involved in choosing a career, applying for a job, and settling into the workplace. The toolkit includes “How to…” articles and case studies from across Europe. There is an interactive profile builder that turns strengths, challenges and preferences into templates to print or email.
Employability Toolkit for students and graduates
The Employability Toolkit is an online resource that helps autistic students and graduates better understand their career goals, develop employability skills and advocate effectively for themselves. It aims to equip students with the skills and confidence required to secure employment, work placement or internship. The toolkit covers topics such as interview procedures, autism disclosure, identifying personal strengths and weaknesses, dealing with unfamiliar places and situations, workplace conventions, strategies for teamwork, helpful reasonable adjustments, developing self-advocacy, and more. In addition, it includes tools to create CV templates, strengths profiles, career plans, personal employability profiles and more