1 What support is available?

Attending college can be both exciting and terrifying at the same time. It is important to know that there is support, information and resources available if you need them. Make sure you avail of every support you need to ensure you have the best possible college experience.

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4 Your Needs Assessment

A Needs Assessment is carried out to determine what level of support a student requires based on the appropriate evidence of disability provided by the student and information obtained from them on the impact of their disability and their academic course requirements. TUS accepts the same evidence of disability documentation required by the Disability Access Route to Education (DARE).


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5 How can the Library help you?

The Library is not just somewhere you can get books. It is somewhere you can do your work on your own or with others, escape sensory overload and get some help with studying. In this section we will introduce our library and the services it can offer you.

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